

Hors ligne

Danseuse - Modèle - Figurante

26 ans


Provence Alpes Côtes d'Azur

Visites totales 422

Caractéristiques physiques

Taille : 165 cm

Poids : 50 kg

Tour de poitrine : 83 cm

Tour de taille : 60 cm

Tour de hanches : 90 cm

Couleur des yeux : Marrons

Couleur des cheveux : Châtains foncés

Longueur de cheveux : Mi-longs

Type de cheveux : Lisses

Signes particuliers

Here my Instagram Feed for more photos and videos:

Notes personelles

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am a dancer graduated from the Modulo Academy school in Milan. Although I specialized in urban dances - Hip Hop, Locking, Vouging, House, Heels - my experience as a dancer cultivated from an early age also extends to modern dance. I am enthusiastic about my work, I love to dance and express my personality through the art of dancing.
Academic preparation and personal study led me to diversify and personalize my expressive attitude based on the required work context. I have enthusiasm, curiosity, a sense of initiative and organization which I always combine rigor and interpersonal collaboration. I also gained experience in commercials and video clips as well as on stage.
For Cv, more dance videos and photos please contact me at
or check my Instagram @caterina_valdi
